
How to Join a Mastermind Group

How to Join a Mastermind Group | Emily Moore
I'm Emily!

I'm a NC girl born & raised, a wife to my college sweetheart, mom to my sweet daughter Caroline & fur-mom to my floof, Riley. I love summer days at the beach, fall weekends in the mountains, & everyday in between exploring new corners of the world. I live for Italian food, tacos & margaritas. Currently taking life one adventure at a time.

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How to Join a Mastermind Group | Emily Moore

Last week on the blog, I talked about battling loneliness as a small business owner. In that post, I mentioned that one of the things that has helped me combat loneliness is my Mastermind group. I briefly talked about what it was and how it’s helped me get through some really difficult times in my business. After that post, I ended up getting a lot of responses from readers asking me how to join one, which was really exciting! So today, I’m going into a little more detail about Masterminds and how you can find one to join!

Recap: What is a Mastermind Group?

In case you missed it last week, a Mastermind Group is comprised of 4-6 creative entrepreneurs. These small business owners act as a support group for you. They can be in the same business as you, or they can all be in different businesses. You will find that it will be easier to explore new ideas to push your business forward with group members if they are not in the same business as you. However, if they are, they are more likely to understand your struggles and they may be able to give better advice on how to handle situations. You just have to decide what you are looking for, and what will be best for you!

How Often Do You Meet?

You can meet with your group as much as you like, but I recommend at least once a month. The best part about a Mastermind is that there is no right or wrong way to run this group! You can run it however your group wants! If you join a group with people who run the same type of business as you, then I would recommend doing a guided discussion. The questions will probably apply to everyone, so each member would be able to address the prompted questions. If everyone is running a different business, then I recommend doing a free-for-all discussion in an allotted timeframe. This will allow members to talk about issues that are unique to their business. You could also do a mix of both if your group finds each one helpful.

What do you Talk About?

In your discussions, you talk about whatever is going on in your business: victories, fears, struggles, etc. You can bounce ideas off of these professionals, and they’ll give you suggestions that you may not have considered. The best part: they completely understand what you’re going through! They’re business owners, too, so it’s likely that someone will know a solution or have suggestions for any problems you have.

How to Join a Mastermind Group | Emily Moore

Joining a Mastermind

If you want to join a mastermind, I would begin by putting out “feelers” into the creative community. Start with a creative group like the Rising Tide Society. If prefer a different creative group, throw it out there! Ask if anyone is already a member of a mastermind group, and if they’re looking for more members. If you have certain preferences, tell them specifically what you are looking for. You may be surprised to find that people are looking for someone just like you to join their group! If you can’t find a group to join, but you think this is something that would really help you, then I would recommend starting a Mastermind yourself! It’s not difficult, and I will help you get started!

Creating a Mastermind

Start by deciding if you want members who are all in the same industry or in different industries. If your a photographer, you may consider forming a group with other photographers who all shoot different subjects. Then, do the same thing I mentioned above: send out “feelers” into creative groups. Some groups you may consider are Shoot & Share (photographers), The Rising Tide Society, or Instagram Bosses. If you attend local Tuesday Together meetings, you can also ask around there! Ask any of your friends who might be interested! Don’t be afraid to put an invitation out into the world — you may be surprised to see who is looking for the same support that you are!

Once you’ve created your group, make a commitment to how often you want to meet. STICK TO YOUR PLAN! You need this group, and to have it be beneficial, you need to meet! Agree on what you want the structure of your meetings to look like, but don’t be afraid to change it as you go along if you find that something else works better for you. Remember: this is for YOU! You and your group may not have the same needs as my group, so adjust your plan to be the best fit for your group!

Final Thoughts

There are so many creatives in the industry who want connection and support like this. They want to have a group of people they can rely on to support their dreams, but they don’t know where to start. If this is you — just take a deep breath, and dive in. You are not going to regret having this kind of support in your business and your LIFE! If you know someone who is searching for a support group like this, please share this post with them!

We don't have to do it alone anymore


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  1. Laurie says:

    I love your post. I agree that mastermind groups are great for small businesses. I do find for me though, most of the local groups are photography based. I would love to find one that includes at least one business similar to mine.

    • Emily Moore says:

      Hey Laurie!
      They don’t have to be local! My mastermind group is comprised of ladies from all over the country and we meet on Skype! 🙂

  2. Amy says:

    This sounds like such a great way to support each other and a way to build stronger connections in person. I often feel isolated with so much of my communication happening on-line, thank you for sharing!

  3. Cori says:

    This is all so true! Instagram bosses is the best thing I’ve been apart of. So helpful in so many different ways… along with photo besties, very helpful for us Denver ladies! Small business loneliness is such a thing and this is a perfect read to learn more

  4. Melissa Hirsch says:

    Lady this is crazy – I’ve been thinking about Masterminds a LOT lately! Thank you for the wonderful suggestions

  5. Hannah Gunnell says:

    This is such a good idea! I may have to try to find a mastermind group in my area.

  6. Sarah says:

    So so true! Not going at this alone is so important! I am all for a Mastermind and the value they bring

  7. Lilli says:

    I love the way you organized this blog post. Incredibly informative at the beginning, explaining what a mastermind group truly is and then going into further detail of how to put it into practice. What a great way to build a strong support system in your business ventures and in your personal life.

  8. nikki says:

    very cool! I need to find myself a mastermind group. Working on it for sure!

  9. andrea says:

    I 100% LOVE the concept of a Mastermind group! Its so easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed when you’re running your own gig- what a fantastic idea.

  10. Raelene says:

    This is a wonderful idea! I get so lonely working alone and it would be great to set this up. I know there are common problems out there and we could all save time by pooling our experience and helping each other!

  11. Jess says:

    I love this! I think some of my best decisions have come from talking it out with like-minded female professionals. I love the idea of making it into a routine.

  12. Sarah M Holladay says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post last week, as I often struggle with loneliness as well, and this follow up is perfect! Looks like I have some work to do to create my own! I love the idea of a mastermind group with different types of creative professionals.

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Yes! This is so necessary and so refreshing to be part of a mastermind group! What a great post to help others get started in finding their group.

  14. Maria Newman says:

    Thank you so much for sharing more about mastermind groups. I only just learned of them from your last post and I am now really inspired to either create one or fine a mastermind group I can join! I know it can be so motivating to talk to other like-minded people about business.

  15. jiyeon says:

    this sounds like such a great support system!! Loved reading about this helpful group!

  16. Surekha says:

    I love the mastermind idea. This is a wonderful way to be support each other. I agree being a lovely blogger in friend zone. I sometime feel lonely. I attend blogger meets to find like minded people. Thank you for sharing.

  17. You know I have never thought of joining such a group, but this is a really good idea. Thank you for the guidance. I am always looking for ways to partner!

  18. Love these tips on how to join/create a mastermind group! I am excited to start my own and start bouncing ideas with other like minded business women!

  19. Heather Scott says:

    I love this idea and the support it gives to everyone!

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