
Blog Post Ideas That Will Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More

Blog Post Ideas that will Keep our Audience Coming Back for More | Emily Moore | Private Photo Editor
I'm Emily!

I'm a NC girl born & raised, a wife to my college sweetheart, mom to my sweet daughter Caroline & fur-mom to my floof, Riley. I love summer days at the beach, fall weekends in the mountains, & everyday in between exploring new corners of the world. I live for Italian food, tacos & margaritas. Currently taking life one adventure at a time.

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Blog Post Ideas That Will Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More

When I first started consistently blogging, I hated it. It was one of my least favorite things to do for my business and it was a constant struggle for me. I felt like I never had any ideas to write about, which made me even less excited about it. I didn’t think I had anything valuable to share, and it became a chore for me.

That all changed for me when I read Katelyn James’ post, “Why You Always Have Something To Blog.” In this article, she talks about focusing on what you can offer your community, and it inspired me. — Seriously, go read it she is amazing! — So I decided that instead of looking at blogging like a chore, it was going to be an opportunity. It was an opportunity I could use to share my thoughts, ideas, and helpful tools for others to use to help their business succeed. I brainstormed a huge list of ideas for blog posts and I began to write.

Over the course of the last year, I wrote consistently almost every single week and I’ve figured out what blog posts have been most helpful to my audience. Today, I’m sharing a few ideas with you that you can use to grow your blog and keep your audience coming back for more! 

Write a “How To” Blog Post

People LOVE to read “How To” posts! Think about how many times you’ve tried something new and you had to look up how to do it. I know I’ve done that hundreds of times. Writing really great “How To” post not only helps your readers with a problem they are trying to solve, but it shows your audience that you are an expert in your field. This will help you grow your business down the road when you’re ready to ask others to invest in paid education.

Share Tips and Tricks with your Audience

Tips and tricks for your audience are guaranteed to keep your community coming back for more. Keep in mind that you don’t want to give away all of your knowledge for free. However, sharing the right amount of information can be very useful. Small tips can help your audience fix an issue they’re having while also establishing that you’re an expert in your field. It’s a win-win scenario! It will also help you build an audience that trusts you.

Write a Post That Gives Ideas

Just as I’m doing with this post, share a list of ideas you think will be useful to your readers! Choose a topic you think your audience would love to get ideas about and write a post about it. It could be anything from ideas on how to be productive when working from home to ideas on Instagram post topics. The sky’s the limit on this one, so don’t be afraid to get creative!

Write a Resources Post

Resource posts are really useful to your audience, especially for business owners who have younger businesses. I guarantee they are going to love your resources posts! Some topics you could cover include programs you like to use and why, why you switched from one program to another, and what your favorite places are to buy tools for your business. This might include your favorite place to buy templates for marketing, your favorite place to buy camera gear, or even a podcast you’d like to recommend.

 Share a Personal Blog Post

It’s scary to write a personal blog post. It makes us vulnerable, and it’s frightening to think your readers aren’t going to care about anything that’s not educational. Your audience visits your blog for a reason. They enjoy reading your content, and they want to get to know the heart behind the business! They want to know what’s on your mind, what’s going on in your life, and they want to relate to you.

Personal blog posts help people make a personal connection to you, even if they have no connection with your business. They’re invested into you and your business. They aren’t going to stop following you because you posted something a little more personal than normal. If you’ve avoided personal blog posts at all costs, give it a try sometime! You may end up seeing even more traffic to your blog than normal.

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