Why I’m Ditching Linktree for Good!
Back in April of 2017, I wrote a blog post about why Linktree was one of my favorite Instagram tools. While I still think it’s a fine resource, I realized something MAJOR last week that convinced me to stop using Linktree for good. Why I didn’t think of it before is insane to me, and when I tell you what it is, I guarantee you’ll agree! Let me explain.
First of all, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, feel free to check out my old blog post about Linktree and how it changed the Instagram profile. Long story short, you can only include one link in your Instagram bio. For a business owner, that’s certainly not ideal. Linktree is a menu that allows you to provide multiple links on your Instagram profile without having to change it every time you do a special promotion.
Simply go to the app, type in the title and URL of your link and voila! It’s instantly added to your page.
The service is free if you use the basic version. This version comes with a handful of color schemes and, if we’re being honest, they are pretty poor options. Besides black and grey, I don’t know anyone who has these crazy neon colors in their branding (and if you do, it’s totally fine! I think we can all agree they’re just not widely used).
In order to get custom colors, you have to upgrade to the pro version. This service costs $6 a month and comes with a few other features like removing the Linktree branding, seeing more detailed statistics of the link traffic, scheduling when links go live, the ability to highlight important links, and a few other options that are not really worth paying for. I think it’s fair to say that most of the people I know did not opt in to pay for Linktree Pro.
To get custom colors and fonts on your Linktree profile costs $72 a year…that’s crazy to me! I’d much rather invest that money in something else.
But what if I told you that you could have a customized Instagram links page for FREE?
No monthly fees. No crazy colors. AND it helps your business grow in another big way…
Last week, thousands of Instagram users were blocked from their accounts. This was because Instagram started tagging Linktree URLs in user’s profiles as spam. People were forced to remove their links from their profiles before they were allowed to post content to their feed. It’s an issue that was resolved within a day or two, but who knows if or when it’ll happen again!
Even though I did have a Linktree link in my profile, I personally wasn’t affected by this. However, with so many friends getting blocked from their accounts, I figured it would eventually impact mine. Nobody knew if this was going to be permanent or not. I took this as a sign that it was time to buckle down and create my own Instagram Link page. And then it happened…
This faux pas changed the way I look at my Instagram profile…for good.
First of all, my Instagram links look WAY better now. My profile went
That is a WORLD of difference! After the initial setup, it’s just as easy to update and add new buttons. I have custom colors, custom fonts, and my logo is even part of the page now! I have complete control over what my Instagram links page looks like. Gone is that obnoxious Linktree logo at the bottom of my screen. The best part? This didn’t cost me a thing to make!
Not only that, but the realization I had after making this change was…
WHY OH WHY have I been sending my traffic to another website?! I have THOUSANDS of link clicks on my Linktree profile links. Think about it: that number could have been DOUBLED if I had been using my own Instagram link page from the beginning! *facepalm*
Website traffic improves our SEO, and by having a Linktree page in our Instagram profiles, every. single. time. someone clicks on that link we’re missing out on traffic. That’s crazy!! Since this change, my Instagram links page is one of my top visited pages every day.
So that is why I’m ditching Linktree for good, and I’m NOT looking back!
Introducing Instagram Links Templates for WordPress
“But I don’t know how to code! How do I create an Instagram page?”
A year ago, I was like you. I use WordPress for my website and it can be really difficult to figure out. For a long time, I was limited by my theme and I wasn’t able to customize my pages. I was stuck with what I had. It’s the reason I almost made a switch over to ShowIt5, until I discovered the Elementor plugin. Elementor allows me to easily create beautifully customized pages — no coding required! Gone are the days where I’m limited by my theme, and I am ecstatic about it.
If you’re a non-coder like me, then you’ll want to check out the Elementor Plugin for your WordPress site. It’s seriously amazing (and free)! AND if you need a little help with your Instagram links page, you can find a great (and SUPER easy-to-use) template here!
What are you waiting for?! Get rid of the 3rd party Instagram profile link pages, take control of your social media content and improve your SEO in the process!
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